
F. Scott Fitzgerald and Modernism

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F. Scott Fitzgerald and Modernism
During the roaring twenties, the United States was a blemished nation. Crime and corruption were at an all-time high, the bootlegging business was booming, and throughout all this, people were euphoric. This time period during the nineteenth and twentieth century was captured by numerous artists, writers, musicians, and entertainers in their attempts to break from traditional values in what is known as modernism. A modernist is in simple terms a rebel. One who dislikes normal conventions and hopes to rewrite and renew societal morals. These artists were rebels with a cause and fought to expose themselves to society. Fitzgerald is an iconic figure in modernism because he skews the perception of reality, rejects the stereotypical traditions, and exposes people’s struggles as the American Dream fades away and proves a nightmare.
F. Scott Fitzgerald was fascinated by fame and fortune throughout his lifetime. His characters were as well. His modernist writing style often reflected how greed and a materialistic attitude destroyed people and condemned them from the start. Most of his novels were set in the midst of the roaring twenties where action and the city life engulfed people each night to the point where all problems seemed forgotten. Nevertheless, Fitzgerald wrote to expose how materialistic people struggled to find themselves while they lost faith in the American Dream. In The Great Gatsby, the main character and narrator, Nick

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