
Factor Affecting Public Speaking Anxiety

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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Commonly, students refuse to do the task of speaking in public due to discomfort of being viewed upon by the classmates or the audience and does create inferiority in delivering a certain speech. Public speaking is a common source of stress for everyone especially to students who are not used to speak in front of public because of fear to be criticized by others. Many would like to avoid this situation completely, but that is difficult to accomplish. Oral communication anxiety or commonly known as public speaking anxiety is one of the most studied phenomena among western communication researchers. So much attention has been given to this phenomenon that almost every aspect of it has been explored and written …show more content…

4. Is there a significant difference on the factors affecting public speaking anxiety when grouped according to: Sex, Course and Type of School Graduated from? 5. Is there a significant relationship between the factors affecting public speaking anxiety and the levels of public speaking anxiety? HYPOTHESIS Based on the aforementioned statement of the problem, the study advances the hypothesis below: 1. There is no significant difference on the levels of anxiety on public speaking among speech communication students when grouped according to: Sex, Course and Type of School Graduated from. 2. There is no significant difference on the factors affecting public speaking anxiety when grouped according to: Sex, Course and Type of School Graduated from? 3. There is no significant relationship between the factors affecting public speaking anxiety and the levels of public speaking anxiety? SCOPE AND DELIMITATION OF THE STUDY The study was conducted to determine the factors affecting public speaking anxiety among speech communication students who are officially enrolled in Eng. 3 Speech Communication classes during the first semester, Academic Year 2013-2014. Particularly, these are the 184 second year (2nd) students from BS ME, BS EE, BSAE, ABENGLISH, ABSOC.SCI, BSHRM (A & B) and BSIT (A& B). Not

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