
Fahrenheit 451: A Dystopian Society

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A dystopian society is a civilization that describes an imaginary society that is as dehumanizing and as unpleasant as possible. (taken from the dictionary) In most cases, the government controls this society and even though they work for a utopian society, it is quite the opposite. A dystopian society works to conceal anything that might be different from the lifestyle taught to you. In that case, Fahrenheit 451, Hunger games, and Hunger Games are considered a dystopian society. Author and film makers use many techniques to convey the point of the unrighteous form of leadership. In all these pieces of work, it talks about the dangers of a dystopian society and how it creates ethical and social issues of today’s society. Fahrenheit 451: …show more content…

Mildred interacts with the screens, whose characters she calls her “family,” through a series of short plays where she is able to insert herself into a part. Montag comments that the plays have no plot and no meaning, but Mildred insists that there is, even though the play is nothing more than a series of open-ended questions. Montag comes home each night to find her in bed with her eyes open, “in her ears the little Seashells, the thimble radios tamped tight, and an electronic ocean of sound, of music and talk and music and talking coming in” (Bradbury, 13). She has completely isolated herself from the outside world with her technology, even begging him to spend a month’s salary to install a fourth television wall in their parlor so that she can be completely surrounded by her invented family. Interestingly, Bradbury seems to have anticipated the invention of the Walkman, and later the iPod, and the social isolation which this can cause. This close relationship can cause a alternate reality for families have the influence of a tranquil and relaxed …show more content…

When describing the games, Suzanne says, “ The twenty four tributes will be imprisoned in a vast outdoor arena.” She uses the word “ imprisoned “ to give off a more disturbing mood. She could've used a word like placed or stuck, but she used imprisoned to give that type of mood of. Katniss describes the purpose of the games in a different way compared to what the Capitol says. She says that the purpose of the games is, “ the Capitol’s way of reminding us how totally we are at their mercy.” Suzanne gives the reader a different view of the games. By using diction, she really shows how much power the Capitol holds in its hand. By the power of diction, Suzanne was able to create a picture for the reader about the government and the political and social issues surrounding the

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