
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

Decent Essays

Ray Bradbury writes Fahrenheit 451 during a time free thinking seems to be slowly disappearing thanks to the advances in technology such as television and the radio. These advances are becoming the principal vehicle to exercise the imagination, once entertained by the knowledge provided by books. As a child Bradbury learnt about the burning of the library of Alexandria thousands of years ago. He was fifteen years old, and Hitler was burning books in the streets of Berlin. These events from the past and the present inflict sadness to Bradbury, a man who loves books, a man that learns everything with books and libraries. Bradbury is aware that if events like these can happen in Alexandria and Berlin, is just a matter of time to see another library burning, another street with a pile of knowledge burning. Heroes, philosophers, adventurers consumed by the flames at 451 degrees. Bradbury uses an array of symbols in Fahrenheit 451, which together conveys an amalgam of emotions. These emotions are strictly connected to the plot in the story, the dangers that humanity faces if a totalitarian government takes all sources of knowledge away, and free thinkers are persecuted, exterminated.
Fahrenheit 451, the title of this novel, is also the first symbol present in the story. Bradbury could have used any other name for this novel, but by using Fahrenheit 451 he is creating an allusion to the plot in the story. Just by reading the title the reader gets an idea of what the book is all

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