
Fahrenheit 451 Friendship Quotes

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Guy Montag discovers the true meaning of friendship in this book Fahrenheit 451. He discovers the people who he thought were his friends are actually not. Montag meets people throughout this book who help him discover his true self which helps him realize what friendship actually means. Three people in this book that Montag could consider his true friends are Clarisse, Faber, and Granger. Clarisse is the first people who Montag considers to be a true friend. When Montag is speaking to his wife about friendship, he speaks about Clarisse. He tells his wife, "She's was the first person in a good many years I've really liked" (Bradbury 68). Montag liked Clarisse because he felt listened to and appreciated when he was speaking to her. He said, "But Clarisse's favorite subject wasn't herself. It was everyone else, and me" (Bradbury 68). Clarisse was good at conversation and genuinely was interested in what Montag had to say. Montag did not have a lot of people in his life he could openly to talk to, who not judge his opinions. …show more content…

Montag had possibly the last copy of the Old and New Testament in his hands, and knew he had to turn it into Beatty. Montag wanted to keep the book, so he decided he needed to make a copy of it. He thought Faber would help him do this. Faber was a man who he had met a while ago that he had in his future investigations file. Montag went to find Faber to ask him for his help. Montag knew Faber would help him because they shared a love for books, and wanted to preserve them. Though, Montag and Faber had not been previously friends Montag knew that Faber would help them because of this shared passion. Montag was correct. Faber put Montag before himself, and went to great lengths throughout the rest of the book to help Montag. This showed he was a true friend to

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