
Fahrenheit 451 How Does Montag Change

Decent Essays


Montag begins changing throughout the novel by being curious about stuff he's never done before. He was a fireman that burnt books for a living. He questions about life and how the society runs and tries to discover things in the novel. He asks himself if he's happy. Is Montag a much difference than the other characters? Does he really change throughout Fahrenheit 451?

Throughout the novel as he burns books, he realizes that books are not evil and he actually enjoyed them. He started getting more knowledge and tell the society that books were not evil but beneficial. Clarisse made Montag be more curious and think of second thoughts. Him and Mildred were not happy together and didn't even talk while living in the same house. He was not happy and his curiosity grew bigger throughout the novel. But his curiosity was getting him in trouble with Beatty and question things. …show more content…

"You laugh when I haven't been funny and you answer right off. You never stop to think what I've asked you.” Montag was not thinking when he faced challenges like questions from the others like Clarisse. He wouldn't think and just stay curious and nervous. He couldn't hide anything either like reading books and steal them instead of burning them. He really changed when he met Clarisse at first. He also asked about the people whose houses he burnt. He felt sorry and that’s when he starts realizing that books are not even bad and he's just burning books for no reason and breaks the law by not doing his job and actually steal books and read them like the Bible. He also had to be careful from the Mechanical Hound that was programmed by the government to punish citizens that broke the society’s rules and Montag was breaking the

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