
Fahrenheit 451 Individuality Essay

Decent Essays

When there are large powers in society, it is often to find that individuals hold an insignificant amount of power against them. The society described by Bradbury in Fahrenheit 451, clearly demonstrates this idea as the larger powers at play hold supreme power over helpless individuals. Published in 1953 around times of the Cold war and McCarthyism, the novel reflects Ray Bradbury’s personal concerns towards individuality through the means of consumerism and conformity. In the novel, knowledge is known to cause individuality. Individuality allows people to think, to form their own opinions, beliefs and personal values which threatens governmental social and political structures. When we are introduced to individuals who attempt to disregard …show more content…

The seventeen year old girl plays an important role as a catalyst that impels Montag to become self-aware of the society in which he lives. Montag describes Clarisse as a unique character, being both socially and mentally aware of the society in which she lives allows her to experience life on a more deeper level. Clarisse’s self-awareness propels her individuality which induces her non-conformity to the ideas that the rest of society believe in. The people, see this non-conformity and individuality as a threat and attempt to deal with it. This is highlighted in as Clarisse states “I’ve got to go to see my psychiatrist now. They make me go.”, the emphasis that Bradbury places on the word ‘make’ establishes an impression that authorities are threatened by Clarisse’s individuality and to deal with it they insist that Clarisse has a mental disorder. They send her to a psychiatrist to try to control and abolish her individuality. Her attempts at being an individual are extinguished by larger powers in society. Therefore highlighting how weak individuals are against larger authorities in a society in which they do not

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