
Fahrenheit 451 Montag Quotes

Decent Essays

In the story
Fahrenheit 451

by Ray Bradbury; Montag switches “sides” instead of keeping his job as a noiseless fireman, he instead goes to the opponent side. Montag decides to insurgent against this terrible corrupted government by remembering his book. Montag is represented differently throughout the book. Through his personal experiences, major events, and influential characters, Montag transforms as a character throughout the novel.
In part one of the book, it leads into how Montag begins to change. For example, “It was a pleasure to burn…”(Bradbury 1). Montag was content of the way he was living. It was a pleasure for Montag to see things as he saw the world. Also in the novel, it says, “ Even now he could feel the start of the long jury, the leave taking, the …show more content…

Montag transforms throughout the novel from the old self of him into the new Montag.
In part two of the novel, Montag is in the process of transforming. A quote from the book is, “ Nobody listens anymore. I can’t talk to the walls because they’re yelling at me. I can’t talk to my wife; she listens to the walls” (78). Montag is trying to think for himself. He’s wanting to understand, but realizes everything is wrong with the society and nothing is going right. Also in

the book it says, “Did you hear them, did you hear those monsters talking about monsters? ...The way they jabber about people and their own children and themselves and the way they talk about their husbands and the way the talk about war”(94). The monsters society is evil and wrong; people are uncaring and selfish. The author established Montag’s anxiety for the need to change the society for the better. Another example is, “Montag, you don’t look well? I’d hate to think you were coming down with another fever…”(105). This quote is stating that Beatty is trying to convince him that books and knowledge is evil, MOntag still has the curiosity to learn. Montag is realizing what is best for

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