
Fahrenheit 451 Quote Analysis

Decent Essays

Ray Bradbury had many life experiences that he will never forget. One idea he got for Fahrenheit 451 was from a police officer. He was walking with a friend on a empty sidewalk. The officer had pulled over and was talking to them about being a pedestrian. That idea was later used to describe a character getting shot for “being a pedestrian”.
Another idea for Fahrenheit 451 came from his love of books. As someone who loves up books, he did not like how Hitler and Russia burned books that they did not seem fit for their country. He thought using the censorship in Fahrenheit 451 could better explain why Montag burned books without ever reading them or asking about it.
Clarisse is a character that asks Montag a lot of questions, and seems to think …show more content…

He felt that when you read a story, you became the author of the story when you were reading it. He was so in love with books that he read all the time. That’s a reason why the burned books seemed so wrong. He didn’t like when Hitler did it, and neither did he when Russia secretly burned some. It spreads the censorship that Bradbury seems to fall back on during the story. That’s a reason why Clarisse likes books so much, because Ray Bradbury did.
He had a firefighter burn a book to see what the temperature is that a book burns at. He needed it for a book that he was writing, Fahrenheit 451. The firefighter had left the phone when Ray called and he said the temperature was 451 degrees fahrenheit. That became the title of his book.
One event that changed my identity is when I first played baseball. It changed my life forever. That became one thing that I could dedicate my spare time to. I quickly started watching baseball, and then began following the players. Today, I could probably name the 25 players on each team's active roster. That became something my friends and I got to do together and something my family could bond over for years to come, about 10 years up to this

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