
Fahrenheit 451 Research Paper

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Fahrenheit 451 is an American classic by Ray Bradbury. This novel depicts, a dystopian society in which books are banned and the United States is taken over by the convenience of technology. The audience follows Guy Montag as he transitions from a firefighter who burns books for a living to someone who is risks everything in order to try and show everyone the value of books. The world in Fahrenheit 451 has advanced technology, technology is not a destructive force but humans morph it into being so, and Guy Montag is better off in the end.
To begin with, Bradbury paints a picture of a world where people are overly dependent on technology. And even though this book was published in the 1950s and their technology is a world difference from today's technology, it still was able …show more content…

Technology helps man, it’s man who abuse this and then become over dependent and obsessed. We morph science and mathematics to do evil. For example, we use it to find cures and bring people together, we are no longer disconnected from the world. But, that doesn’t outway the negatives. We use technology to make bombs and pollute the world, and using too much technology affects you as a person and disconnect you to the people around you. In Fahrenheit 451, there is one night where Montag is laying at night with his wife. As he lays, he thinks “Seashell was tamped in her ear again...why didn’t he buy himself an audio-Seashell...and talk to his wife...What would he say?” Montag and his wife are so distant because she always has her Seashell in that Montag would not even know what to say to her given the opportunity. However, that doesn’t mean being exposed to violence in video games and movies make people violent. In an article by The Guardian called “Video games are not making us more violent, study shows” says “Major new research into the effects of violent movies and video games has found no long-term links with real-life

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