
Fahrenheit 451 Research Paper

Decent Essays

Would you like a world without reading? Would you want a world without happiness? I may not like reading but it adds emotion to the world and doesn’t make it a dull place like in Fahrenheit 451. The reason why the world is without emotion is because the government took books away, and they suppress the will for people to express their emotion. And if people are willing to sacrifice everything to read a book then maybe books are actually important. A lady died because she was protecting books that she cared about, isn’t that enough to tell someone that books are important. The authors purpose of the story is that if books are taken away from people then our world will turn into the story of Fahrenheit 451 with everything dull and emotionless. And people wouldn’t be able to express how they feel. In Fahrenheit 451 love is a distant memory because the families in the story seem not to care about each other.
People in Fahrenheit 451 seem different than people in the real world, this is why. People in the book have no emotion what so ever, this is because the lack of books. Most books can give a sense of happiness which is an emotion you get when …show more content…

Fahrenheit 451 has no love because the moment in the book when Clarisse rubs the dandelion under Montag's chin and doesn’t turn yellow is an excellent indication that there is no love. You would be led to think that because Mildred and Montag are married they love each other, well that isn’t always the case. But that isn’t the only thing that indicates that there is no love. Mr. Phelps talks about when he dies she doesn't want his wife to cry he wants her to move on and get married again and not ever think about him again. Also when Montag asks Mildred if she loves him on pg.73 she hesitated, that was the moment when Montag realized Mildred had no love for Montag. And so that there concludes why in the story there is no

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