
Essay about Fairy Tales, The Hidden Meaning

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Fairy Tales: The Hidden Meaning. True love stories are typically not found on television; but can be found in the older books of fairytales. Fairytales have not been always written because before people could write, fairytales would be spoken and passed on from generation to generation. Although large numbers of literary fairy tales were written in 17th century France, most of the tales which are still told and retold now are far older in origin. The first published fairytales happened in 1667; a cycle of fifty tales was published by Giambattista Basile (Hasse 32). Of course these publications were not the exact fairytales that were created because many of them were butchered when being passed down. Although many people associate …show more content…

The dominant character sticks out significantly in fairytales and have an immense influence on how the fairytale plays out. The character affects all every man or woman underneath them, and through fairytales, we can see how they were portrayed in historic times.
Historically, women were looked down upon in society as the second-grade gender because they were not considered to be strong enough for outside work such as hunting, field work and so forth. Instead, women were largely looked upon as the breeders, cookers, and the babysitters of children. Society’s appreciation of women was little compared that to of men since the men were bringing the money and the food they ate, they were thought to be superior. Surprisingly, most fairy tales have women as one of the main characters who happen to learn lessons, become better people, and then have better lives overall. At least, that is what most people think that is what fairy tales are telling them because of how they are portrayed to seem like that the woman are becoming better people. In the story of Little Red Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hood is a girl supposedly going through the woods to give her grandma some treats, but encounters a wolf that tries to eat her. Somehow she escapes and saves her grandmother and is portrayed as a hero “As for her character, Little Red Riding Hood has been described as pretty and lovely, but too gullible and naive. Sometimes she has appeared vain and foolish, sometimes

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