
Faith Based Organizations vs. the Separation of Church and State

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Faith Based Organizations vs. the Separation of Church and State

Issues regarding the separation of church and state frequently resurface. The first time this issue was made know to American citizens was when the Supreme Court removed prayer from the public school system. Last year, the Supreme Court made another decision in regards to this same concern, but with a slight twist. In June 2000 the hot topic case of the nation was the Supreme Court’s decision to rule that, “public schools cannot let students lead stadium crowds in prayer before high school football games.” (Alpert 1)

Separation of church and state functioned as a primary concern even during Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency and remains current today. Today the …show more content…

Overall, the interpretation formed by individuals most is that the authors of the Constitution intended for the amendment to enable government to refrain from making decisions in regards to religion. Understandably, this interpretation of the amendment justifies itself. Possibly, the best course of action for government to take would be not to make any decisions in regards to religion.

Ideally, that means that people can worship and practice the religion of their choice. However, the original lawmakers that authored the Constitution, Preamble and the Declaration of Independence made references to God and Christian ideals throughout several national historical documents. For example, in another excerpt from the Christian Banner eXchange, the Declaration of Independence declares: “…We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” (1). Also an citation from the Gettysburg Address proclaims: “..:that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people shall not perish

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