
Fall Of Roman Empire

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There are many different factors and causes for the collapse of the Roman Empire. The three factors that I will evaluate and analyse today are economic, religious, and military factors. During the late years of the Roman Empire, it began to weaken and its foundation of the empire began to crumble down. The collapse of Rome was due to the three factors that I have listed above, and the factors that I will talk about in the paragraphs below. The Roman Empire was crumbling down to its doom due to the economic problems and issues it had. According to the Theories For The Fall Of Rome Transcript, Rome had a primitive economy. This means that all the wars and combats that Rome faced had brought extravagant expenses to the empire. Rome’s main goal was to conquer and expand its empire to the max. In order for them to do that they had to conquer and fight in wars. Fighting in wars required a lot of money and support from the economy; as well as the people. Rome had to …show more content…

Back then the Roman empire was being pressured by barbarians who wanted to invade Rome. Rome was at the breaking point, and there was nothing they could do about it because the army had devolved. Christianity and the economic problems had caused the military to not be as brilliant as it used to be. Not enough money meant not enough training or drafting of soldiers. Money also influenced the quality of equipment and weapons available to the military. Once christianity expanded in the empire, many soldiers did not want to be involved in any more violence. They would much rather sacrifice themselves for their religion that brought peace and tranquility. The military was affected by both religious and economic factors and without the money and the motivation they could not function. If the military could not function then they couldn’t protect Rome or keep its

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