
Family Medical Leave Act

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The workplace has changed in many ways. In the past there was stereotyping, gender discrimination, bad conditions, and less freedom and benefits for employees. Nowadays employers take precautions not to make any of those blunders. New laws and company policies helped improve the workplace. One reform that was established was the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993, also known as the FMLA. This act helped employees and employers take personal leave. The main reason why the Family Medical Leave Act was created was due to gender discrimination. Females were allowed to take leave due to the stereotype that mothers have to take care of the family. Men were discouraged and less likely to take off. The FMLA helped equalize the ability to take leave for …show more content…

One type of leave is for the birth of a child, foster care, and adoption. The leave gives time of bonding. Another type of leave is for “serious” health issues that involve the employee or a family member. Family members include: son, daughter, wife, and parent. The child can be biological, adopted, or a foster child. However if the leave is for pregnancy complications, it can be counted against the 12 weeks off (Leave Benefits). The act also provides leave for issues with family members who have active military duty, or a health issue from military duty. The seriousness of the health issue is highly evaluated. The FMLA defines a, “serious health condition” as illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that acquires hospital care/treatments (Section 825). To receive the FMLA leave, employees must give a 30-day notice beforehand. If the leave is not expected they must give the notice as soon as possible. Employees must give a written/medical confirmation for the fixed time off so it can be considered under FMLA leave. In accordance with the law, employers/human resource can request other information for proof to support your request. Employers cannot deny the request for leave if it correctly applies with the FMLA

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