
Farah Ahmedi And Tanim Ansary's The Other Side Of The Sky

Decent Essays

What drives you to undertake a mission? Better yet how does a mission make you feel? Although undertaking a mission would result in never losing hope, responsibility, and working hard. With this in mind believing you could do it and accomplishing a goal is very important. On the event that this relates to my thesis statement because this is a result of never losing hope. With the intention about this also being related to my thesis statement because this proves responsibility accomplishing a mission and completing it. Seeing that also working hard could be undertaking a mission and make you feel amazing. Sooner or later many people think that undertaking a mission is very complicated and they don’t think they could accomplish …show more content…

Maya Angelou has wrote a quite a meaningful story about her grandmother Annie Johnson about her life and having a turning point and everything changed. It all starts by having a huge conflict about splitting her marriage in 1903 and ended she later became fully aware on what she put herself into. There for Annie Johnson and African-American women has to work her hardest in order to help her two small boys and make harder choices in life. According to the text on paragraph seven it states “Although business was slow, those first days Annie was determined. She balanced her appearances between the two hours of activity.” This explains how Annie was dealing with some conflits. There are more conflicts but a successful ending into the next story “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”. So now that I have explained to you these tragic conflicts into accomplishing a mission the story “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” by Rudy Kipling has more issues to face and a wonderful successful just like all these books have. It’s shortly happens when Rikki-Tikki-Tavi a mongoose gets adopted by a British family in the 19th century colonial India. Further on the mongoose spent its day roaming around the house checking for any other animals or predators later on at the same night there was nursery where Rikki-Tikki-Tavi was awake watching the baby protecting it. Sooner or later the next day who knew but trouble started to

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