
Farmers In 1938

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Small family farmers were driven off of their property by large farm industries. Family farmers were pushed off of their land since they generally did not own enough property to qualify for financial aid. With a limited amount of land and money, family farms were taken over by large farm industries (“Farm Relief”, 2002; Green, 1946). More specifically, the “owners of giant commercial farms” were “heavily capitalized”, making competition with small farms easy (Green, 1946, p. 41). Similarly, Bean (1938) reported that the average income of farmers in 1929 were those on self-sufficing farms because they lost profit while the “general decline in farm prices” affected the economy and those directly involved (p. 27). ** Government policies created …show more content…

The New Deal, a series of programs and laws created to assist agriculture struggles, hurt numerous families. In the San Joaquin Valley of California, sent recruiters to encourage farmers to sign a contract limiting a farmers’ acreage. Specifically, for cotton, the contract stated that the farmers “would not grow more than so many acres” (p. 25). The concept of signing a contract to limit cotton production was one of the many attempts to fix the agricultural economy. According to Bean (1938), he affirmed Holmes’ experience since cotton is one of the few overproduced products (p. 28). The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimated that the gross income for farmers from all production between 1928 and 1932 would shrink 55 percent for each cent. The USDA accounted for the increase in production of commodities in international markets which damaged the United States’ agriculture gross income. …show more content…

Farmers quickly banded together in resistance when government officials attempted to foreclose farms of those who were no longer able to pay for their property. In response to one attempted foreclosure, “Farm Relief” (2002) reports that a “crowd of farmers attacked” while “agents and deputies tr[ied] to enforce a foreclosure on a farm” (p. 13). In the midst of some foreclosures, the previous owners decided to have a sale with the hopes to earn some money off of their farming equipment. Terkel (1970) emphasized the strengthened rural communities when he explained how when farmers would have an auction, the people who purchased their items “g[a]ve it back to him” at the conclusion of the sale. Teenagers who lived on family farms tended to quit school to work on the farm. Despite endless efforts, farmers had to learn to adapt to a life in which their once precious crops would provide for nothing other than life’s

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