
Farmers In The 1800s Essay

Satisfactory Essays

As a person that has grown most of my own food, without chemicals or engine powered equipment, for the last 15 years and lesser so for many more years I can relate to some degree what it may have been like for a farmer in the 1800’s (I even live in a house built in 1850). The ability of farmers to take advantage of the new tools available to them in the 1800’s is very much tied to the progress of our country at that time. The inventions of the John Deere’s steel plow made the work of one person equal that of many people previous to that, this plow allowed a person to plant many more acres of food than previous. The invention of Cyrus Hall McCormick’s mechanical reaper allowed farmers to increase from harvesting about a half acre of wheat …show more content…

These speculators tied with the banking system made vast amounts of money, and forced farmers into different kinds of farming. In 1848 the CBOT (Chicago Board of Trade) was formed, in their world they felt they were doing good, by way of organizing the process of buying and selling crops. Utltimently this group of brokers has really broken the farm system, farmers rely on banks to fund their seed cost each year, a vast majority of Americans today have no idea about where their food comes from, what is in their food, and very little knowledge about how to grow or harvest the food that their very lives depend on. In addition farmers have lost their way, in the world of chemical farming, and seed production. Farmers that buy GMO crops are not even allowed to save their seeds for the next years planting, something that has been not only the way to do it, but was vital for thousands of years. Inventions like the plow and combine had many positive effects, however the use of commercial farming has played a big role in overpopulation, and

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