
Fear In To Kill A Mockingbird

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It has been said that "Fear can’t be the driving force." In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee reveals fear as a contagious disease. In Maycomb County, fear dominates the minds of its residents by locking them in their comfort zone and forcing them to act selfishly. This demonstrates how fear is a disease that affects one’s decisions and prevents them from thinking straight. Fear of the unknown locks people in their comfort zone and restrains them from making a change. The white community of Maycomb County can live and coexist well with the black community if they attempted. One Sunday, Jem and Scout accompany Calpurnia to a “coloured” church, “we [Reverend Skyes and the attendees] are particularly glad to have company with us this …show more content…

Bob Ewell uses the incident between Mayella Ewell and Tom Robinson as a way to gain reputation and respect in the white community and to conceal his family’s poor living conditions and parental incompetence. Atticus explains to Scout the status of the Ewell’s family, “The Ewells had been the disgrace of Maycomb for three generations” (37). Bob Ewell acts selfishly by filing a lawsuit against Tom Robinson to cover up his daughter’s sin of kissing a black man. He is fully aware that Tom does not stand a chance against a white man. However, he is unaware of how badly his family is already perceived by the community. Bob Ewell fear of judgment forces him to act in a selfish manner to raise his family’s status. Likewise, Aunt Alexandra opposes Atticus’s decision of defending Tom Robinson because she takes great pride in her family’s name. She tells her grandson, Francis, “... it certainly does mortify the rest of the family… we’ll never be able to walk the streets of Maycomb agin” (91). Aunt Alexandra is afraid of how her family is perceived in Maycomb when her own brother takes on a black man’s case. She thinks that with that comes the downfall of their family reputation/name. This shows that she is willing to put an innocent individual’s life at risk in order to keep her family’s reputation which is a selfish act. Therefore, fear of judgment plays a large role in Bob Ewell and Aunt Alexandra’s decisions and prevents them from thinking

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