
Fee-For-Service Reimbursement Methods

Decent Essays

Fee -for-service is the most traditional form of reimbursement, pretty much like a restaurant bill, you pay for what you order. “A physician may be paid for each procedure performed, such as an office visit or the reading of a CT scan”. (Gapenski, 2013, p. 66) There are three primary fee-for-service payment methods: cost based, charged based, and prospective payment. In the fee-for-service reimbursement model the physician is to serve the patient to receive their payment. Another reimbursement is the Pay-for-performance model where the providers are only paid when they are able to achieve a specific goal. “Insurers pay providers an “extra” amount if certain standards, usually related to the quality of care, are met”(Gapenski, 2013, p.69) The

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