
Female Serial Killer Essay

Decent Essays

After reading and reflecting upon Chapter Nine, why do you suppose so many female serial killers prefer to use poison as their primary murder method? Elaborate.

I believe that female serial killers, unlike their male counterparts, need to distance themselves from what is physically happening to the victim. Most male serial killers want to relish in feeling the victim struggle as they are dying. If female serial killers commit the killing with a gun or knife, and they physically overcome their victim in an act of violence, they would probably relive that incident over and over in addition to remember the details of these events. However, when a female serial killer poisons their victim it usually involves non-physical violence and they can …show more content…

Those parents have no lives of their own other than the life that revolves around that child they are caring for. That is true hardship, devotion and love.

Next, as you know in Chapter Ten, Hickey (2012) talks about victim precipitation/facilitation. Did you find this to be a plausible explanation or did it seem like victim blaming to you? Is it ever appropriate to focus on the victim's lifestyle or behavior or is this insensitive?

Hickey categorized victims as high, low, or mixed regarding the victim’s facilitation of the murder. The categorization was based upon the victims’ lifestyle risk, type of employment, and their location at the time of the killing. Hickey found that 13–15% of victims had high facilitation, 60–64% of victims had low facilitation and 23–25% of victims had a combination of high and low facilitation.

Victim Precipitation is when the victim is partly at fault for arousing the offender's interest or triggering an attack. Nearly all cases of precipitation are men. Victim precipitation is the extent of how a victim is responsible for their own

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