
Female Serial Killer Research Paper

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When you think of the typical serial killer, you think of Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer. Most people only think of male serial killers but female serial killers are on the rise and are just as dangerous. There may not be as many female serial killers as there are male but their crimes are just as brutal. For example Aileen Wuornos, she brutally killed seven men and is one of the most well known female serial killers. Many of the men she killed were convicted rapists or a man that she felt threatened by. So the question I am going to ask is are female serial killers murders more personal than males? The typical victim of a serial killer is a white young female due to the fact that most of their killers are male. What drives most men to kill compared …show more content…

“male serial killers far outnumber female serial killers; however, over the past two centuries, about 15 percent of multiple homicide offenders have been women” (Laurence 6.2). With this increase in female serial killers we continue to wonder what triggers them and causes them to kill. There have been so many studies on why male serial killers murder and how their childhood affects them today. However, Female serial killers are left in the shadows with some research yet not as much as the males. Is this because more female serial killers are able to get away with their kills than males or is it because women are less likely to go on killing rampages like men. The male serial killers typically kill three people in a consecutive time and then go on a break. While it seems that women kill one after the other and then are done with their killings. Aileen Wuornos is one of the more interesting female serial killers because she fits the profile, has very interesting motives, and has continued killing until she was detained. “One exception may have been Eileen Wournos, who appears to have targeted male victims for motives of revenge and control”(Laurence 6.2). She fits the typical female serial killer profile that is a white women at between the age of 30 to 40. Then she fits the typical stereotype of an awful childhood that is seen in males. However, Aileen Wuornos killed men that were rapists or someone she felt threatened by. Which makes us believe that women may be killing for a more personal reason than just filling a need or void. While Aileen Wuornos’s case seems to be more of a personal set of killings the murders of Jeffery Dahmer seem to be based on need to

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