
Feminism In The Awakening

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In Kate Chopin’s The Awakening, there are three major female characters that help depict Victorian society from different perspectives. To be a good person in Edna’s society meant being a "mother-woman" who completely surrenders her sense of self in favor of her husband and children. In the beginning of the novel Edna is comfortable with her life and does not recognize her true desires. It is not until she is at Grand Isle and grows passion for Robert, where she finally begins her awakening and yearns freedom. Edna Pontellier is both a mother and wife, but she does not see those roles as a blessing, but rather a burden. Attempting to rid herself of all responsibilities imposed on her by society she neglects family responsibilities and social obligations. Instead she focuses on her artistic expression and surrounds herself with like minded friends such as Mademoiselle Reisz. As the novel progresses Edna completely changes her perspective on life and heads on her journey to freedom in a seemingly child like manner. This being so, she disregards the needs of anyone but herself and never looks ahead to the consequences of her actions. Her search for freedom and personal happiness often cause her to make selfish decisions. Edna continuously seeks to be liberated from the social convictions of Victorian society throughout her awakening. In the end, Edna is unable to find a fulfilling sense of freedom in her world because of her attachment to her sons’ reputations. Therefore,

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