
Feminism In The Great Gatsby

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The 1920’s was the first wave of feminism, and it has been a problem throughout the United States since then, however in The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald purposely overlooks it perhaps due to his personal experience with women who weren’t the best to him. Feminism refers to “a series of political (series of actions to reach goals) for good changes on issues such as (rights of people to have children as they choose), domestic violence, motherhood leave, equal pay, women's right to vote, (unwanted repeated sex-related comments, requests, bullying, etc.), and sexual violence”. In this case the marginalization upon women is symbolized indirectly and reveals the impurity about women throughout the novel. Daisy and Myrtle were treated like literal animals throughout the novel and there was actual symbolism that furthered that idea. Daisy Buchannan is the main female character, having a romantic relationship with both Jay Gatsby and Tom Buchanan. Myrtle Wilson is a woman who is married to a hardworking man ,George Wilson, but she remained unfaithful throughout the whole novel. Lastly, Jordan Baker is probably the least mentioned woman but had an equally important role as the other few. Fitzgerald used the development of these three women to further the plot and theme of the book and show the treatment and role of women in that society at that time. Both Daisy and Myrtle were seen as gold diggers, having all their attention focused on material possessions and basing their love off of

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