
Feminist Analysis Of The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays

Feminist economists, sociologists and many other scholars from different social disciplines have been analyzing the tangled relations between factors of production and their connection to reproduction. (Toğrul & Memiş 2011, 4) Reproductive work, increasingly referred as social reproduction, helps to create supporting and servicing facilities for current and future work force and mostly known care giving and domestic duties but it has a broader scope than the biological reproduction. Reproductive work includes baring and caring children, taking them to school, preparing food, dishing, cleaning and so on. For instance, when child gets sick, someone has to sit and hold hands of him/her at nights. They are all reproducing society …show more content…

I as a double major student in Sociology and Economics took an ‘Economics of Gender’ course from department of economics last fall semester and this feminist approach on economics attracted my attention. The lectures of Şemsa Özar and particular articles from Gary Becker, Hande Toğrul and Emel Memiş heavily influenced my standpoint and shaped my framework of research. Also Selma James’ collected work which is named ‘Sex, Race and Class’, Ferhunde Özbay’s ‘Kadın Emeği ve İstihdamındaki Değişimler: Türkiye Örneği’, and Gül Özyeğin’s ‘Untidy Gender’ are sources of my inspiration. In the article of Feminist Economics and Its Continued Leap, Memiş and Toğrul argue that basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, health care, and education are satisfied not only through production in the paid formal markets, but also through reproduction and production in unpaid forms within the home, communities and society at large. According to feminist scholars, the economy is stratified by gender. Thus, gender should be an analytical category in economic analysis. Another critique is that the distribution studies focus narrowly on household income distribution. They question mainstream and heterodox economics for their silence about persistent

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