
Feminist Criticism In 'The Creation Of Man By Prometheus'?

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While reading Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, readers connect the novel to both “The Creation of Man by Prometheus” by Michael Karas and the Genesis creation story. The three texts provide the audience with strong, underlying messages. Creatively woven in, these lessons stitch each story to one another. After assessing Frankenstein, “The Creation of Man by Prometheus,” and the Genesis story, readers find many similarities through Feminist Criticism and the dangers of forbidden knowledge. Allen Brizee quotes Lois Tyson’s claim that “Feminist Criticism is concerned with the ways in which literature (and other cultural productions) reinforce or undermine the economic, political, social, and psychological oppression of women” (Brizee). This school of criticism presents itself in both obvious and obscure ways throughout all three texts. Gender issues such as inequality and oppression “play a part in every aspect of human production and experience” (Brizee). Many might argue that Frankenstein does not qualify as a feminist novel because “women are, in some ways, peripherals to the novel’s main plot line.” However, women play a “central” role “precisely because they’re not there” (Williams). This purposeful absence creates an opportunity for women to hold a great amount of significance to the story. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the creature asks Victor to create a female solely for his pleasure. The creature explains that only a female counterpart will “gratify” the “burning

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