
Fieldwork Definition

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Fieldwork findings: Discussion

Pupil premium:

One core theme that derives from the fieldwork frequently is pupil premium. All respondents were asked, ‘which policy if any, would you say has been the most effective at promoting educational attainment among pupils from economically deprived areas?’ (Question 4). All respondents answered pupil premium as being the most effective policy. Respondents A, B and D all argued that the extra funding helped to promote education attainment among pupils from economically deprived backgrounds through more staff, additional facilities and funds for students. The data drawn from table 4.2 supports earlier literature on pupil premium.

As previously stated, this extra funding ensures that schools with deprived pupils enroled have enough resources as tools to succeed in education. Relating back to Table 4.2, respondents A and D both state funding for staff, this is further supported by Carpenter et al (2013) who argue that the policy contributes highly to additional staff and teachers have perceived this to be very effective. This is particularly relevant to aim 3, on the outcomes of policy as additional staff contribute to promoting educational attainment because it offers deprived pupils with additional support and guidance.

A concern is drawn from the fieldwork by respondent B and C, this …show more content…

External factors such as communities and cultural capital are shown as key in attainment and are recognised. But, this research is concerned with what goes on inside schools. Thereby, internal factors should not be undermined by external factors. Schools matter and focus are given to policies directed at schools. The pupil premium, academies and Teach First have been praised for their effectiveness in helping schools to better pupil learning and promote attainment, through additional staff and facilities and well-qualified

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