
Fighting Strategies In The Vietnam War

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The Vietnam War was a humbling and costly war for the United States. Although many assumed it would be a quick war due to the battle being in a third world country, the United States troops were unprepared for the type of war that would be fought. The techniques and strategies used to fight the North Vietnamese Army and Vietcong were too conventional to fight guerrilla warfare. Politically, the war was a disaster both in Vietnam and in the United States.
The American fighting techniques used in the Vietnam War were often not only costly, but inconsistent and improvised. Because America was a first world country and Vietnam was a third world country, it was assumed that America’s vast military power would easily defeat the South Vietnamese …show more content…

It was sometimes called a ‘Search and Destroy’ strategy. This method required a steadily increasing commitment of American manpower. By the end of 1966 General Westmoreland wanted 450,000 troops, however in June of 1966, president Johnson only approved 431,000 troops to be deployed by mid 1967. However, this strategy was poor given that North Vietnamese had approximately 200,000 people reach draft age each year and could match American troop escalation. While General Westmoreland described it as the ”most sophisticated war in history”, because Americans who fought in Vietnam were the best fed, clothed, and equipped the US had ever sent to war. Use of small portable radar units, “people sniffers” which picked up the odor of human urine, and IBM 1430 computers which were programmed to predict the places of times of enemy attacks showed the technological advances which were available to soldiers that were not available in previous wars. The logistics of clothing, feeding, housing and arming this many troops was considered a …show more content…

They fought at the times and places of their own choosing and not in a traditional battle sense, and the US was not prepared for this. If the Vietcong felt they were losing a battle they would melt away into the jungle, retreat into North Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, living to fight another day. The North Vietnamese used the art of camouflage to disguise their transportation vehicles, putting palm fronds and banana leaves on truck roofs and traveling at night without headlights. Herbicides were used by the US to deprive the Vietcong of natural cover. Over 100 million pounds of agent orange or chemicals like it were sprayed over millions of acres of forest with devastating ecological consequences. These herbicides destroyed half of South Vietnamese timberlands. In Operation Popeye the US attempted and succeeded at extending the monsoon season by a couple of weeks by seeding the clouds with silver iodide. The purpose of the operation was to flood the Ho Chi Minh Trail (the trail that the communist in North Vietnam used to provide supplies and troops to fight in South Vietnam), attempt to cause mudslides, wash out river crossings, and impede the North Vietnamese troops. The Air Force pilots who carried out Operation Popeye used the slogan “Make mud not war” as some people viewed this as an alternative to combat and bombing

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