
Figurative Language In Emily Dickinson's Poems

Decent Essays

A famous poet named Emily Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830. She was well known for writing in quatrains and using slant rhyme in her poetry. Figurative language played a huge role in emphasizing the meaning of her poems, she also used dashes to highlight words. The poem “I heard a Fly buzz - when I died” mainly described her deathbed scene. She used imagery to describe how the room looked and how inaudible the room she occupied was, because she could hear a fly. Dickinson used many sound elements in her well known poem “I heard a Fly buzz - when I died”. One example would be slant rhyme which is a type of rhyme formed by words with similar, but not identical sounds. This helps shape the poem’s meaning because the poem flows together …show more content…

One literary element she often used in her poetry is imagery which are words that are visually descriptive or figurative language. By using imagery Dickinson made readers imagine how death is like for her, she also creates tension to describe how intense that moment was. “I could not see to see (line 20)”. would be classified as imagery because it gives readers an idea about her emotions at that exact moment. Another literary element is mood. The mood is something Dickinson focuses on, and tries to make clear. Depressing would count as the mood, because she says certain distressing things about how she feels toward the subject of death. One last example of a literary element Dickinson used in her poem is simile. A simile is when you compare two things using the words “like” or “as”. The line “The Stillness in the Room Was like the Stillness in the Air (lines 2-3)” would count as a simile because she is comparing two alike things, death and air. She’s describing how silent she thinks death really is, maybe even peaceful. Many themes can be interpreted by reading the poem “I heard a Fly buzz - when I died” but two themes seem to stick out. Mortality and family. Family is a big part of a deathbed scene. Dickinson uses the theme mortality in the poem to explore all kinds of thing about death. She thinks about how it feels, happens, what we expect

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