
Figure Skating: The Middle Of The Disney Movie Ice

Decent Essays

One summer evening in July 2008, I turned the television and happened to flip to the middle of the Disney movie Ice Princess. It wasn’t long before I felt completely hypnotized by the simultaneously elegant and powerful movements of the figure skaters on the screen. Within minutes, I was attempting to copy their moves, jumping and twirling all over the blue carpet of my living room while trying to avoid kicking my mildly terrified dog, Star, with my wildly swinging legs and flailing arms. Following that fateful night, I begged my parents to let me take up skating lessons, promising to do extra chores around the house in exchange. It was a hard won battle, but a few weeks later, I came home from my first skating lesson. My jeans were completely …show more content…

It surprises a lot of people when I say that figure skating is one of the sports that requires the most teamwork. After all, figure skating is most notorious for is its cutthroat, competitive nature, and it's technically an individual sport. My experience in the past eight years of skating, however, From bringing each other bulky ice packs to soothe our bruise-stained knees to stretching out a gloved hand to a fellow skater who had a rough fall, figure skating is a sport that brings out some of the most best teamwork I’ve ever seen. I can still hear the thundering cheers from my clubmates that flood the ice arena at competitions when our fellow skaters take the ice. Every winter, after our final winter ice show performance, every skating family goes home drowning in dozens of presents from fellow skaters, each gift hand-made and unique, Years of training together, spending endless hours in the gym together, falling side by side, and even going to physical therapy sessions together have forged a bond between me and my fellow skaters that is inseverable. Nobody understands the tolls and pains of a sport as mentally and physically demanding as figure skating better than a coach or skater; That’s why everyone breaks into joyful applause when a skater at our rink lands a jump for the first time in practice. That’s why we all hold back tears when someone skates an amazing program at a competition, and that’s why we throw stuffed animals and flowers onto the ice after our friends finish performing. The bond I developed with every single person at my ice rink, even the front desk staff who see me come in groggy-eyed at 5:00 A.M every morning, is powerful and one of the things I cherish the most in life. Figure skating was and always will be my first love, and I will never stop being grateful for the invaluable lessons on flexibility, teamwork, and the value

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