
Film Style Refers To The Technical Practices Employed Within

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Film style refers to the technical practices employed within filmmaking, this includes the use of cinematography, mise-en-scene, dialogue, editing and narrative. Understanding the changes in film style is crucial to examining film in a historical, political and cultural context. In this essay I will be exploring how the coming of sound homogenised filmmaking which resulted in changes in film style. The coming of film sound, transformed an experience which was exclusively visual, to equally audible and “most filmmakers soon realized [...] that sound, used imaginatively, offered a valuable new stylistic resource” (Thompson and Bordwell, 2009)

Despite the popularity of sound production at present, the coming of film sound had a difficult …show more content…

Prior to the coming of sound, actors were chosen based on theatrical performance, which enabled a mix of diversity in silent films as the actors did not need to be American or British, however with the introduction of sound many foreign silent film stars perished into oblivion due to not being able to fulfil voice acting and the new naturalistic acting sound film required. Whilst each of these complications stalled the coming of film sound, the eventual transition from silent to sound led to an immortal change in cinema and some inevitable changes in film style.

During the end of the 1920s, the definition of a silent feature proves problematic, due to the slow and blurred transition into sound filmmaking. Films were released with synchronised scores of orchestral music and Foley sound effects, which was soon followed by ‘part talkies’ and ‘full-talkie’ feature films. However, the early examples of silent film style favoured exaggerated acting, expressionist cinematography and extravagant mise-en-scene. Short texts and dialogue were inserted into the film through title cards, which communicated the character’s language. These distinctive film style techniques changed as a result of the coming of film sound, as films began to be created in consideration of sound. Scenes had less cuts and still camera shots, in order to focus on the importance of the character’s dialogue which strayed from the previous importance placed on mise-en-scene

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