
Finnie Walsh

Decent Essays

Finnie Walsh Essay
By: Sierra Millns

Many people say that you must have plenty in common with someone in order to be their best friend. However, in the novel Finnie Walsh by Steven Galloway, this is not the case. Finnie and Paul have a few things in common, such as their passion for hockey, but they were (for the most part) complete opposites. Paul's family has a struggle with money throughout the duration of the novel, while Finnie's family is quite wealthy. After Mr.Woodward's accident, Finnie is struggling to escape the guilt; meanwhile, Paul is able to let it go. Finnie is a risk taker along with being very outgoing; but on the contrary, Paul is very timid and takes everything in stride. Paul and Finnie have few things in common; …show more content…

As much as Paul loves hockey, he does not let it consume his life. Paul is more understanding than Finnie about the accident, and does not allow it to affect him for the rest of his life. Although Paul does not allow the accident to take over his life, he does change because of it. The accident leaves Paul to be a lot more cautious and more worry-some. Despite his cautious personality, he finds himself trying new things and taking risks because of Finnie. "...Without Finnie Walsh, I

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