
Fire Chief Personal Statement

Decent Essays
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This opened my eyes again to my personal education goals. In addition, I feel that I have the capabilities to be a Fire Chief, which would also require a Bachelors degree if I choose to consider that option.

I chose to pursue this degree because I enjoy learning about health science. I find in order for me to learn effectively, I need to enjoy what I am learning or I will lose interest. Although I am a successful ranking officer in the fire department, the majority, approximately 80%, of the calls we respond to are related to EMS. Although the fire service will never admit this, I believe the future of the fire service is a primarily an EMS service that responds to fires. What better way to effect change in this direction than to be a Fire Chief with a healthcare background?

I hope to enhance my overall healthcare knowledge, giving me more insight into the industry as a whole. Combining that with my current knowledge in anatomy, physiology, and the disease process, I believe this will make me a better administrator, teacher and healthcare

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