
Fish Cheeks By Naomi Shihab Nye

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Food brings people together. This is a common theme in the short stories “Fish Cheeks” by Amy Tan, and “Gate A-4” by Naomi Shihab Nye. Both authors used symbolism, conflict, and dialog to reveal the theme. “Fish cheeks” is one story that reveals the theme: Food brings people together. In “Fish Cheeks” by Amy Tan, Amy wanted Robert the ministers son to like her, and for her to be American and not Chinese. Amy's parents invite Robert and his family over for a nice Christmas Eve dinner so her parents embarrass her by the food her mother makes and the things they do like the loud burp her father did, she is just embarrassed by her culture then her mother buys her a miniskirt and tells her a life lesson that ”her only shame is to have shame” and …show more content…

This shows that she is very confused that the flight has been cancelled. The character later on learns that she was wrong and that the flight wasn't really canceled. This conflict is important because at the end of the story she hands out Mamool cookies to show everyone that she is sorry and she cares, surprisingly no one says no and this shows that it brings them all together and the flight doesn't mind about the confusion. Some symbols in this story are the Mamool cookies in line 25-26. This symbol is very important because this is the food that shows the theme Food brings people together. It explains what the Mamool cookies look like in line 26. Another important symbol is the apple juice the two little girls handed out to the flight as well, this is in line 32-33. This is important because it shows that the two girls also use food/beverages to bring the people together. The potted plant is another symbol, this is in line 35-36, and it shows the things her culture brings around for good luck. These symbols show the theme Food brings people together because the two girls and the Arabic women handed out food to the flight and none of them said no so it shows that they care and they feel comfortable

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