
Essay about Flappers: The Untraditional Women of the 1920s

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Some women of the 1920s rebelled against being traditional. These women became known as flappers and impacted the post-war society. People in the 1920’s couldn’t make up their minds about flappers. Some were against them and some were with them. Therefore, some people in the 1920’s loved and idolized flappers, I on the other hand, believed that they were a disgrace to society. These women broke many rules leading young women to rebel against their families. Some people hated this idea of the Flapper and they blamed the war for these women’s new behaviors. After World War I, young women and young girls started to act free and go against their families. “Some people in society blamed the war for triggering this rebellion of youth and they …show more content…

Moreover, they also drank a lot, rode bicycles, and broke curfew. “Other activities they indulged in were driving cars, riding bicycles, and defied prohibition by openly drinking alcohol” (Swartz). People hated this because they were breaking many rules. Therefore, flappers had become young women who believed that they could do or be anything that they wanted. “The origins of Flappers, ideologically, were seen as being rooted in liberalism” (Swartz). They were open-minded and wanted to try new things. Thus, flappers came to be seen as “a new breed of women.” They defied many laws and their actions became more irresponsible. Accordingly, the actions of these women became known as the feminist movement. Flappers advertised this movement by wearing inappropriate clothing and tons of makeup. For example, “women of the 1920’s defied the conventions of acceptable female behavior. They expressed their new freedom by smoking in public, exposing their legs, and shredding their corsets” (Grouley 3). These women didn’t care about the laws and wore short skirts and dresses and showed their legs. Some women moved out of their families’ houses to live and be free. In addition, “many of these young women surely fled rural America in pursuit of better economic opportunities; other abandoned their small towns in search of excitement and glamour” (Zeitz 30). For instance, girls ran away from home to see the world and look for something new to do in their lives. Other

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