
Food Labeling Research Paper

Decent Essays

Label your menus for the sake of man kind! Labeling your menu and other items will be a good step in the right direction when it comes to health of people. By labeling the menus and other items you allowing people to see how many calories they are consuming and they can see what they are putting in their bodies. It is also a proven fact that healthier people are happier and are more energetic than the average person. By seeing what is in the food they are eating it could help them decide to cut down and eat less. Labeling food is so important that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has made it mandatory to be label food and provide the daily value that way you can track your nutrient intake. So labeling food can help you see what you are eating and the amount of calories you have consumed, make you happier and healthier along with more energetic, and cut down on the amount of food you take in. …show more content…

For example you could look at a menu at a and see that they have all these fating food with a lot of calories you then can decide to chose a more healthier choice. You could also see that if you was allergic to something then you could see that the one thing was in there because it would be labeled. With the items you have at home that are labeled you can see whats in it, how calories and ect, and you do not have that chance when going and dining out. I can prove this because in paragraph two it says," the packaging of food to be consumed in the home has included nutritional information: calories, fat calories, sodium, calcium, and the like. It's the law to include this information on all packaging, regardless of whether the food is healthful or not. So it makes no sense to deny the consumer the same information when dining

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