
Food waste

Good Essays

Leung On Ying Joanne
Mr. Piers Justin Alban VOKINS 3 December 2015
ELTU 1002 English Communication for University Studies
Research-Based Expository Essay
Food Waste Problem in Hong Kong:
The current situation and the possible solutions

Renowned as the Food Paradise, people all over the world come to Hong Kong for the food here. This definitely creates lots of economics benefits for Hong Kong. Nevertheless, this makes the problem of food waste ever more serious. As mentioned by the Environmental Protection Department, “In recent years, the amount of food waste arising from the C&I sectors has increased steadily: from less than 400 tonnes per day in 2002 to over 800 tonnes per day in 2012. (Environmental …show more content…

In long term, the behaviour of wasting food can be reduced as parents make an effort on establishing the moral value in their children’s mind.

Apart from parents, the school can also improve the situation by proving some first-hand experiences for students to learn. I believe that the hunger meal will be a very good way of experience for students. Actually, hunger meal is an activity first done by the Oxfam Hong Kong. They organize this kind of activity because they want to provide “a way to feel, through one 's own stomach, the huge gap between poor, hungry people and rich, well-fed people.”(Oxfam Hong Kong) “Student and teachers can set their own fundraising targets. Donations will be used in Oxfam Hong Kong 's projects around the world. Oxfam can also arrange representatives to give a talk on "Hunger and Poverty" during your school 's Oxfam Hunger Lunch event, to help students learn more about hunger and poverty.” (Oxfam Hong Kong) Therefore, schools can try to coorperate with the Oxfam Hong Kong ,some smililar activities or organize talks on the topic of food watse and food recycling to promote the importance of trasuring food in school. More than that, school can also raise students’ awearness by competitions. School can hold competitions like video making, menu designing or cooking competition for students on the

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