
Fools Crow Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Taylor Gregory

Ms. Pohl

AP English 3

23 July 2015.

Westward expansion of the United States of America brought about significant changes in traditional life of indigenous American societies and had a significant effect on their future survival. This was clearly evident in James Welch’s novel, Fools Crow, as the Pikuni tribe in the Montana Territory struggle to deal with the effects of U.S. occupation. White Man’s Dog, later Fools Crow, goes through profound changes throughout the course of the novel as he himself comes to terms with foreign residence and lifestyle changes. White Man’s Dog, the son of a prominent Pikuni leader, journeys from a person who was shy and insecure to a fierce warrior that would later help his tribe …show more content…

His friends teased him and called him dog-lover” (Welch 4.) White Man’s Dog was not as wealthy as his counterparts and often envisioned his life with a woman. However his luck soon turned around when he goes on a horse-taking party to the Crow tribe. Although the party has bittersweet success, White Man’s Dog proved he was a man when he killed another during the raid. “When the news of this deed got around, many of the men had honored him with scalp songs”(Welch 62.) After this event, White Man’s Dog quickly rises through the Pikuni ranks even though he is uncomfortable with the idea of the slaying in the first place. The cataclysmic event is a major turning point in the development of White Man’s Dog as he is finally recognized as an equal within his …show more content…

He does not trust the white men and believes that they will bring nothing but destruction upon the tribes. This is only further exacerbated when there is an outbreak of the White Scabs Disease and foreigners state that they possess a medicine that can help the Pikuni. Fools Crow mistrusts the white men as “he [Sturgis, a white man] did not bring the Napikwan medicine and knew the Pikuni were weak. Perhaps he brought the sickness instead?” (Welch 307.) The growing threat of invasion had become clear to the Pikuni tribe and Fool’s Crow as well as other members of his band, the Lone Eaters, mistrusted even the powerful white man medicine. At this point, Fools Crow loyalty is shown as he demonstrates how caring he is for his people. This compassion is further proven when the United States finally invades a band of the Pikuni. Fools Crow is revolted with the attack when he sees the horrifying destruction of life. He states that “we [Pikuni] must think of the children” (Welch 386) when it comes to dealing with the notion of Pikuni survival. His passion and resentment shows no limits when the lives’ of his people are put to the ultimate

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