
Football Team Synthesis Essay

Decent Essays

This movie was released on September 23, 2000, and was directed by Boaz Yakin. It was based on a true to life story on T. C Williams High School, Alexandria, Virginia but according to Tate A. S, most of the movie content was fictional. The movie was about the black and white students that were joined together to form a football team. This movie highlights their differences, how they interact and deal with each other and how they showed unity in diversity. The team was racially diverse If this kind of event happened today it wouldn't be a big issue because now we often see black and white people playing sports together and living a somewhat harmonious relationship but this happened in 1970's where racism was profuse when human rights were defined …show more content…

Eventually due to the extensive training and the guidance of the two coaches the players seemed to develop that special kind of bond of friendship that can pierce through any skin it was strong that they started to treat each other like a family. This movie shows that the only permanent in this world are change; whether it's good or bad change will always be change, being resilient to it will lead to your own demise. When the two schools merged it was already a huge alteration not just for the students and players but also for their parents. After the training of the Titans, they went back home only to see that some of the parents that are white were protesting against the school because of the changes they've made in the institution. Some students reacted that they're cool about it but others displayed that they're not. One of the things I learned from the movie was that if people can't accept you then are fine with it, show them your real self and in no time you'll see how they change their attitudes towards you. You teach them a lesson by making them realize their

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