
'For Your Grandmama' By Alice Walker

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The short story “Everyday Use (For Your Grandmama)” by Alice Walker, analyzes the lives of a woman by the name of Dee or Wangeroo, as well as her mother and sister. Walker mainly focuses on Dee concerning her search for self-identity and connection to her African roots. Dee endeavors to trace her African roots by educating herself which she successfully achieves by moving away from her family. Dee feels that her family needs to reconstruct themselves as they have a history of oppression. She also feels that they are carrying on the legacy of oppression by staying at the house in which they reside and not educating themselves. One of the many themes portrayed in Walker’s story is education. She pinpoints the value of education and the …show more content…

Dee seems to be having an self-internal crisis trying to identify herself. She is portrayed to be arrogant and ignorant in the process of her attempts to recreate herself and retrace her roots. When Dee is younger and the house burns down Mama describes her “standing off under the sweetgum tree she used to dig gum out of; a look of concentration on her face as she watched the last dingy gray board of the house fall in toward the red-hot brick chimney. Why don’t you do a dance around the ashes?... She hated the house that much”(Walker, 293). Dee has exhibited her hatred for the lifestyle she was living and her desire to reconstruct everything about, at a young age. She fails to realize that her attempts are only leading her to rejecting her true heritage. Through Dee’s character, Walker disputes the ideology that some African Americans have of tracing back their African roots rather than aiding the Black community in the American society to progress and nationalize themselves. People fail to realize that even though their ancestors were forced into this country from Africa, the Blacks have to work together in helping the community grow as they have now formed a new community. There is nothing wrong with wanting to retrace your roots, however, abandoning your heritage in doing so is where the controversy comes in. Dee’s character is a representation of people who abandon their legacy to be someone they are

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