
Foreign Exchange Rate Of The Indian Rupee Essay

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1.1.1 Foreign Exchange:

An exchange rate or a foreign exchange rate, is that rate at which two currencies from different countries are traded or exchanged with each other. It is also called the forex rate or an FX rate. It is the calculated value of one currency in terms of the other, and may generally be expressed in terms of a standard surrency such as the US dollar. To explain this better, an example can be illustrated. If the interbank exchange rate of the Indian rupee is Rs. 61.56/- with respect to the US dollar, it means that for every one US dollar, the exchange value is Rs.51.56/-. The exchange rate is affected by a wide range of factors in the forex market. This market is open to a very large market of buyers and sellers. The trading in this market is almost continuous, owing to the various time zones. On a Global timeline, the market opens at 20:15 GMT on Sunday, and closes on Friday at 22:00 GMT.
A spot exchange rate, is that rate, which is for that exact moment. It is the current exchamge rate. A rate for currency that is quoted and traded currently, but executed on a future specified time is known as a forward rate. For retail transactions, the buying and selling rates as quoted by dealers differ. In a particular economy, the most transactions that take place are in the local currency. The rate at which the dealer buys foreign currency in exchange for local currency is the buying rate. In contrast, the rate at which he sells foreign currency is called the

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