
Foreshadowing And Literary Devices Used In Sweat By Zora Hurston

Decent Essays

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light”(Aristotle). Zora Hurston’s “Sweat” is a prime example of focusing on the light to overcome darkness. The story begins in darkness and ends at dawn. Delia suffers through and ultimately triumphs Sykes by focusing on the light, in her case religion. Being an anthropologist, Hurston’s work not only inspires one to keep looking forward, but it also represents humanity’s struggles. In her 1926 short story, “Sweat,” Hurston employs foreshadowing and Biblical allusions to symbolize a release from oppression. Foreshadowing is a common device used in many short stories, but “Sweat” uses it in a untypical way. In “Sweat,” two events are foreshadowed, but only one occurs. When referring to Sykes’ mischief, Delia says, “Some day Ah’m gointuh drop dead from some of yo’ foolishness” (Hurston 1022). After Sykes brought the snake into the house, Hurston writes, “Delia came down.. she saw his chalky-white fangs curved… in the wire meshes” (Hurston 1027). According to this, Delia’s death is being foreshadowed. She feels that Sykes actions will lead to her demise and the snake’s exposed fangs create an image of how she will …show more content…

This comparison to Jesus’ suffering and ultimate sacrifice creates a more vivid image of agony that not only entails Delia’s physical situation but also her mental state. Later as she is threatening to report Sykes, Delia declares, “Mah cup is done run ovah,” directly referencing the Bible. In the Bible, one’s cup overflows with blessings whereas Delia’s cup overflows with hate. Throughout all of her tribulations, Delia keeps a generally positive attitude which ultimately allows her to overcome her

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