
Forgivable Character In The Crucible

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At the beginning of The Crucible written by Arthur Miller there are two girls that are in a coma like state. This leads to the early rumors of witchcraft throughout Salem. When Reverend Hale arrives in Salem he doesn’t want to jump to the accusation of witchcraft right away, but the majority of the town wants him to believe that it is witchcraft. Then teenage girls start to accuse women in the town of being witches. We find out that John Proctor and his wife Goody Proctor have a complicated relationship. We discover that John cheated on Goody Proctor with a teenage girl. Hale shows up at the Proctor’s house, testing the Proctors on their Christianity. While he is questioning them, the police show up at their house to take away Goody Proctor for being a witch. In the courtroom one of the girls has decided to change sides. She was to spineless to stick with her guns and changed back sides again. This leads to John getting arrested. Finally John Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, Martha Corey, get hanged for not confessing to being witches. Reverend Hale’s confidence about witchcraft is what allows him to fall for the hysteria, but recognizing his mistakes he turns on everything he knows to help those accused live, which is why he is The Crucible’s most forgivable character. Reverend Hale’s self-assertion of confidence is what puts him in a higher status than the Salemites who know nothing about witchcraft. His confidence is asserted in “(holding up his hands). No, no now let me

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