
Formal Context In Double Indemnity, By Billy Wilder

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Formal context is a big part to why movies are how they are. In Double Indemnity (1944) clip, by Billy Wilder, there are many formal context elements that are important to why the scenes are the way they are. Some of these are the types of shots, camera movement, lighting, and the mise-en-scene. This paper analyzes the 5 shots in the 2:33 minute scene in depth. The prologue shot is 44 seconds, which is a long take. It starts with a tall, dominant character, Neff walking towards the elevator making the medium long shot (also known as plan americain) quickly a medium shot, standing facing the front of the elevator and giving the camera is back, building a distance between the viewers and the character. He is wearing his coat in one arm and is trying to cover his other arm with the other side, showing that he is hiding an injury. As soon he is in the elevator, a short delicate character follows him in the elevator and starts talking to him. Viewers find out the tall character’s name is Neff. For the first 30 seconds of the shot, the camera is static, the music is extra diegetic which builds anticipation towards Neff with his mysterious hat that covers his face. The worker is trying to build a conversation with Neff, but he is very dry, building more anticipation to what is going to happen. When Neff gets out of the elevator, there is a tracking shot where quickly the shot goes from a medium shot to a long shot to again a medium long to not being pointed at him. Moreover, a

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