
Fortinbras And King Hamlet

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In the closing lines of William Shakespeare Hamlet, Fortinbras claims that if Hamlet had become king he “was likely…/To have proved most royal” (5.2.376-77), however the truth of this statement is questionable. Shakespeare expresses the importance of a king possessing several qualities throughout the play and it is debatable as to whether Hamlet meets the plays standards for a good king, particularly when compared to the plays other real and potential kings. Shakespeare expressed the importance of a king’s strong military presence through both Fortinbras and King Hamlet. The revenge plots of Fortinbras and Hamlet display the strong sense of honour that a successful king requires as well as a king’s willingness to defend that honour. A strong sense of morality is another quality stressed throughout Hamlet, achieved through Shakespeare’s treatment of Queen Gertrude’s relationships with Claudius, King Hamlet and Hamlet. Shakespeare utilizes the conflict between Denmark and Norway to display the importance of a successful king having a strong military presence. King Hamlet’s reign is strongly associated with war and the military and strong his military presence continues is maintained throughout the play. Hamlet reiterates his father’s strong military presence when viewing a picture of King Hamlet and Claudius. He recalled that his father governed Denmark with “an eye like Mars to threaten and command” (3.4.75. l. 57), whereas Claudius is portrayed as a sinful “devil” (l. 78)

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