
Fortunato Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

On Nov.05.1846
Someone named Fortunato had gone missing, we have intreview Fortunato mom to see if she had anything to tell us about Fortunato. When me and the police have got to Fortunato’s house they had knocked on the door and Fortunato’s mom had answer.

We have a couple of questions to ask you about your son last night.

Do you know where your son is?
UMM, no i haven’t see him until one of his friends asked me if he can spented the night and i said yes but when i drove Fortunato there he didn’t know the person at all. I went to pick him up today @ 12:00 and no one was home so i called the number that he give me and it said that the number call wasn’t real. “ Do you know the kids name?” asked the police. Umm his name was , i think …show more content…

When i want to look find that house some police had to come with me because i find out that the house is real i=but its in flordia so we had to drive there for two days. When we found that address we had answer for Fortunato, someone look consued! “ What do you mean your looking for Fortunato?” Ask that random guy. “ Now , who are you again?” one of my policeman asked him. “ I’m am Fortunato’s dad. “ That was really good information for them to find out . So i had to interview him and ask him a couple of questions about what he had heard about Fortunato.

“So do you have any idea where you son Fortunato is? “ I had asked him.

“ I saw him yestraday with his friend Amontillado going somewhere thats not in flordia” Fortunato’s dad said really weirdy.

2. Do you know extacly where they went ?” joe my best police man asked him.

UMmmmmm>........ No not not umm not ……

“ Yes you know where, tell us or your going to be going to jail because you know where a missing teen is . “ i yelled at him really loud. Because i know Fortunato mom is really upset.
“Okay , i know where they went they are going to kill Fortunato by the cemery in calforina, i’m sorry i dont like Fortunato becuase he was a moms

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