
Foster Care In Public Schools: A Case Study

Decent Essays

A child in foster care is defined as any child who has been removed from the custody of their parent(s)/guardian(s) by the juvenile court and placed in a group home or foster home. The child is under the direct supervision of a county probation officer or social worker. This is a partial definition/circumstance. This week's reading, The Invisible Achievement Gap, Education Outcomes of Students in Foster Care in California's Public Schools, introduces proposals to positively impact education outcomes for students in foster care. First and foremost, the foster care, welfare, and education systems need to share information with one another. As I reflect over the past twelve years of my public-school teaching experience, I realize that our foster youth are rarely ever considered or discussed when addressing the opportunity gap that exists among our …show more content…

These hardships can often cause stress and anxiety that affect a child's capacity to focus in school. Through a collaborative effort between Student Support Services and school sites, we strive to create a safe haven during these difficult times" (HUSD website). This claim is great in theory; however, we rarely have the resources available to truly meet the social emotional needs of our foster youth. As a principal, I would promote trauma-informed school systems and strategies to help create a supportive and nurturing school environment. I would survey students in order to find out what types of supports that they would find beneficial; mentorship, access to food pantry or clothing, tutoring, group counseling, and other community and family supports. My staff would work together to choose targeted interventions for trauma, utilize classroom-based strategies, and devise a whole school safety

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