
Fracking for natural gas

Decent Essays

#### this is written terribly ###### Have you ever imagine the earth run out of resources, especially gasoline? The most significant energy we use to take for granted may be in tight supply. It would be a major inconvenience for us. That’s why I am here to discuss about it, that’s why I am here to save the earth, and that’s why I want all of you to join with me today. With fossil fuels nearing extinction, the United States has very limited options for providing the country’s millions of energy consumers with an energy source that is affordable and cost effective ; therefore, the solution is hydraulic fracking, also known as “fracking,” Natural Gas has the capabilities of fueling American cars and homes for the next hundred years, and the best part is the United States is the largest supplier of natural gas. Let’s broke it down to 3 major parts: first, how fracking natural gas affects our environment, second how it is going to boost up the economy, and third how it makes the United States becomes energy independent. First of all, in 2009, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted a thorough report on natural gas in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Minnesota, and Montana. After the tedious examination, the EPA concluded that “water contamination could not accurately be tied with fracking.” (Groundwater Investigation, EPA) This is a new energy source, and a new energy extraction process, so radical environmentalists have to agree with the EPA, that the evidence is not cogent

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