
Franklin D. Roosevelt 's New Deal

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It is undeniable that the Great Depression was one of the darkest economic times in American history. The start of the Great Depression is often marked by Black Tuesday, which was when the stock market crashed on October 24, 1929 (Tindall & Shi, 2013). While many events led and contributed to the Great Depression, Black Tuesday is forever remembered as the day the nation’s economy plummeted. Banks throughout the country started shutting their doors and millions of Americans would soon lose their jobs. For the next few years, Americans struggled severely, even to the point of starving. America not only needed help getting out of the Great Depression, but Americans needed their spirits restored. The 32nd president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, assumed the Presidency in 1932 and intended to revive America with his economic stimulus plan, the New Deal (Tindall & Shi, 2013). Although Roosevelt’s New Deal did not end the Great Depression, Roosevelt’s New Deal cannot be deemed as a failure, but rather a success, as the New Deal provided short-term economic relief and long-term structural reform. When Franklin Roosevelt took office, the Great Depression was nearly at its peak. Thirteen to fifteen million Americans were unemployed and Roosevelt knew he had to implement the New Deal immediately (Rauchway, 2008). In his first inaugural address, Roosevelt assured the American people that the “only thing to fear is fear itself (Houck & Nocasia, 2002).” Roosevelt was also quick to identify

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