
Frederick Douglass Oppression

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Slavery was a tremendous issue in history and many people were being affected by it. The ones being affected the most were the slaves because they were treated as property of their masters. Thus, making them do everything that their master wanted. The white people were dominating the slaves and making them feel like they were worthless. Slaves were getting tired of being mistreated so some decided to escape from the awful place and some thought it would be great to revolt. Frederick Douglass was one of the slaves that were treated horrible and a slave he was not supposed to know how to read. However, he did not let the oppression get to him found a children’s book and taught himself how to read from there (6). Frederick Douglass escaped and …show more content…

However, he was definitely going to have some trouble getting what he wished because that was a very sensitive topic and many white would be against getting rid of slavery since many were masters and owned slaves. Frederick Douglass was not the one to give up on something he believed to be important to him. He believed that it was going to be tough to get antislavery over with because the United States Constitution and the churches supported slavery, therefore Douglass believed that the whole system is filled with false hopes (13). Frederick began to get into politics because he noticed that Abraham Lincoln was not really doing much to end slavery. His reasoning was changing and he was not really trusting Lincoln as much as he was in the beginning. Frederick Douglass noticed that President Lincoln was acting really slowly at wanting to free the slaves. Douglass was really disappointed because he was doing everything he could to abolish slavery but not Lincoln. When President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation Douglass began to trust President Lincoln again. Lincoln issuing the Emancipation Proclamation (173) was the most important point for Frederick Douglass because he really showed that he cared to free the slaves. Frederick Douglass kind of regretted saying the negative comments about President Lincoln because he noticed that it was not his fault he was not moving along …show more content…

He was all for to help with the abolition of slavery, however, he did not immediately emancipate the slaves. In fact in 1864 after he had already issued the Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln was not going to sign the Wade-Davis bill (148). It seemed like he had changed his mind for some reason or he was not content with how things were going down. President Lincoln revoked to sign a paper that issued a proclamation freeing the slaves in the territory they had conquered. Thoughts on President Abraham Lincoln are all over the place. Sometimes he seems genuine and some other times he has proved to be huge fake. Abraham had his difference as to why he worked around things the way he did. Douglass read President Lincoln’s deterrence to white prejudice and he concluded that he was not a true antislavery man (195) meaning he was never really there to protect the slaves from slavery he was jut putting up a front. He wanted to receive the support and votes from those that were antislavery. As the Republican he wanted the people to be represented in the decision that will be made and that eventually will affect everyone in one way or another. It’s understandable that Lincoln did not want to force the political change on the people, but it seemed like sometimes he was seen, as he wanted to change the

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